A Survivor of Genocide: Mugeni Umulisa Aline Sophie 大虐殺生残者 ムジェンニ・ウムリサ・アリネ・ソ フィーさん

She was only three when genocide happened. She says she does not remember anything about the genocide, but the influence of the genocide on her life was tremendous. She had 6 brothers, but only she and one of the brothers survived. Her parents were also killed. 大虐殺が行われた時、ムジェンニはたった3歳でし た。彼女は当時の事を何も覚えていないといいます が、大虐殺が彼女に与えている影響はとても大きい です。彼女は6人の兄がいましたが、両親も殺され、 生き残ったのは彼女と1人の兄だけでした。


She fled to a church in Kayonza district from her house with her family when they came to know Tutsis were killed by the government soldiers and militias who were extremist Hutu. They came to the church on 11th of April in 1994, and killers started killing at midnight around 3 am on the next day. フツ族過激派によるツチ族殺害が頻発しているとい う情報を得て、彼女の家族はルワンダの東にあるカ ヨンザ地区の教会に避難しました。1994年4月11日 に教会にたどり着き、その次の日の午前3時頃から虐 殺が開始されたといいます。

Killers had the list of Tutsi people, and let Hutus leave from the church first. Priests refused to leave Tutsis in the hand of Hutus. A priest Jean Bosco who was a Hutu and tried to protect Tutsis was shot and sliced by the extremist Hutu. 大虐殺実行犯は、ツチ族のリストを持っていたた め、まず教会からフツ族去るように言ったようで す。牧師達はツチ族の人々をフツ族過激派の手に委 ねるのを拒みました。ジーン・ボスコという牧師は フツ族の人間だったのですが、ツチ族の人々の命を 守ろうとしたため、同じフツ族の過激派に銃で打た れ、その上切り刻まれて殺されたそうです。

A father’s name was called by Hutu extremist one by one, and his family had to go with him to be killed. Before people were killed, they were forced to give away money and usually physically violated such as kicked and hacked by machete. フツ族過激派は順々に父親たちの名前を呼び、その 家族も共に人々の前で殺したといいます。殺す前、 フツ族過激派はお金が全て手渡させ、また蹴ったり 伝統的な武器で暴力を振るってから殺しました。

It is said that her father was forced to remove his clothes and killed naked. Many of people were humiliated before being killed. ムジェンニの父親は殺される前に服を全て脱がさ れ、裸で殺されました。多くのひとが、殺される前 そのように辱められたそうです。

Mugeni survived because she was hiding in the back of the church with her aunt apart from her own family. Her brother survived because he managed to hide himself among Hutu children. ムジェンニは叔母と一緒に教会の奥の方に隠れてい たのでどうにか見つからず殺されずにすんだらしい です。もう1人の生き残った彼女の兄は、フツ族の 子供達に紛れ込んで身を隠したそうです。

After a few days of the mass killing, RPF soldiers came and she was taken to their camp. Her brother was taken with other Hutus to flee from Rwanda to neighboring countries such as Congo by the extremist Hutu militia, but he repatriated some time later somehow. Three of Mugeni, her brother, and their aunt were reunited and started making life together. 大虐殺が行われた数日後、ルワンダ愛国戦線が助け に来て、ムジェンニ達は彼らのキャンプに連れて行 かれ助かったそうです。彼女の兄は他のフツ族と一 緒に過激派にコンゴなどの隣国にルワンダ愛国戦線 から逃れるため連れて行かれたらしいですが、数ヶ 月後、そこから逃れて帰国し、ムジェンニと叔母に 再会し、3人で暮らしを立て直し始めました。


Kicukiro Memorial キチュキロ 大虐殺跡地 

Kicukiro memorial sight is different from others.



Usually genocide memorials in Rwanda are consisted with a church, where was the place genocide was done and is now a mass grave, and remainings of people who were killed with explanations. However, at Kicukiro memorial, there are only graves with simple roof.

This is because the memorial sight was a place to damp dead bodies after killing. Kicukiro is also famous as a place where UN soldiers left people to the killers.


At this sight, there is a place to candle the light of hope and stone name plate with the names of people killed. The light of hope is lit on 11th of April every year, which is the date the genocide was done at this place. According to the curator of the memorial sight, 11,000 people are buried in this place, but only 620 of them are on the list of the name stone.



It is said that about two thirds of Tutsi were killed in the genocide, and all members were killed in most of the family. Therefore, there are many dead bodies were buried unidentified.


People were made to walk a long way to reach the place to be killed. To prevent them from escape, killers cut and hurt their parts of body such as legs.

このように、このキチュキロは、大虐殺の中でも 最も残酷な方法で虐殺が行われた場所だそうだ。大虐殺から19年経過した2013年にやっと、尊厳ある様式にお墓は整備されたらしい。

In these ways, Kicukiro is the place that one of the worst genocide case happened. After 19 years from the genocide, in 2013, construction of the grave was finished and people were finally buried with dignity.



At the corner of Kicukiro memorial, there is another grave standing separatedly. People who worked for a human rights organization called Kanyarwanda buried there. This organization exists from before genocide, and Hutus and Tutsis were together advocating equality and fighting against injustice of the government and so on.


I hope the world becomes societies where people who work hard and who want to work hard for a better society and for people with needs to live can fully and more easily be active.

Sing for Peace: Mani Martin, a Rwandan Singer 平和のために歌うルワンダの歌手 マニ・マーティン


At a commemoration of the genocide at Kicukiro memorial sight, a Rwandan singer Mani Martin dedicated a song for survivors and peace.

He said he had to know why genocide happened as an artist. To understand as many as people and talk to as many as their mind, he studies history, communication, and so on carefully and well.

According to Mani Martin, there were three races before genocide; Hutu, Tutsi, and Twa (after genocide, Rwandans have tried not to use ethnic words).
Before Rwanda was colonized by Germany in 1885, and by Belgium after World War I, it is said that Hutus were hunters, Tutsis were land owners, and Twas were pot makers. It is said that they used to live in harmony sharing what they specialized in.

He told me Twas were originally also dancers. Today, many kinds of people learned from Twa, and people dance in Rwanda, but Mani Martin says he can see difference and excellence of Twa’s dancing as an artist.

Mani Martin holds an annual concert on 16th of August to commemorate the damage of atomic bombs dropped in Hiroshima and Nagasaki collaborating with JICA Rwanda.

He says he wants to keep communicating the story of genocide and other historical events which people should never repeat especially to children.

One of his new song; My Destiny

Mani Martin の新曲;My Destiny



African musical instrument which he was given by his teacher.

Martin interacts in the same manner with respect with everyone. I appreciated his attitude toward myself. He wishes everyone including people in higher status and celebrities behave like that as well. I agree.


“Does Your Skin Become Black as Mine? ” 「あなたの肌の色も、私の肌の色のように黒くなる?」

A 11 years old kid asked me in a village in Rwanda:

“Does your skin color turn to as black as my skin color if you stay in Rwanda?”




–Usamase Ownera, 11 years old.
–His dream is to become a minister.


I was a little surprised that they are very conscious about their skin color.
They were curious and asked me many questions, but it was one of first questions.
How would you answer to this question?




I get darker when I am exposed to sunlight.


Sunlight is very strong in Rwanda because it is close to the equator. Its distance to the equator is about 134 miles (216 km. Distance between its capital Kigali and the equator.)
I experienced headache and feeling of sick after exposure in the sunlight for a few hours.

赤道から216 km の場所にあるルワンダの首都キガリでの日光はとても強い。

Rwandans, even children there, know it is not good to be exposed in strong sunlight for a long time.
They try to be in shade. Some of them use umbrella, but it seems umbrellas are not affordable for most of them.


Children are smart. They try to cover their head with their clothes.



–Ihiwape, 9 years old.
–His dream is to become a pastor.


AERG, Association of Student Survivors of Genocide 大虐殺学生生残者協会

AERG (Abbreviation of French words: Association des Etudiants et eleves Rescapes du Genocide) is a student organization to help survivors specifically who are currently students.


They provide free counseling for psychological problems. They have psychologists, and they also provide counseling on the phone which is called Help Line. According to Jean Damascene Nsanzumuhire, a legal adviser and the Help Line coordinator at AERG, they receive around 10 calls a day.



They also provide assistance for legal matters. Many student survivors of the genocide are orphans at the same time. For example, some lost their family land during and after the genocide, but it is difficult for students deal with legal matters, so AERG deal with their court cases on behalf of them for free. Help Line covers this kind of problems as well.


According to Nyiribakwe Jean Paul, a program coordinator of AERG, students cannot stay in campus including dorms during breaks. Therefore, orphans become homeless during holidays. For such students, AERG have a project called One Dollar Campaign. AERG is constructing a building which can accommodate about 300 students in the future. Anyone can donate starting from one dollar for the project. They are now setting the program so that foreigners can participate in the program as well.



They have other projects such as empowering people who did not go to university. 20 years have passed since the genocide, and it seems Rwanda has succeeded in healing survivors. I hope they successfully move to next steps such as supporting students to get a job and helping youth to realize true justice for all stakeholders and all Rwandans.


AERG website: www.aerg.org.rw

Survivor of the Genocide: Mukaruranqwa Liberata 大虐殺で生き残った人 ムカルランカ・リベラタさん




She was not Tutsi, which was the target of the genocide, but she tried to protect Tutsis, so she was also targeted by the killers, Hutu extremists.


She hid 2 females and 3 males in her house.


One of them was bleeding on her back, and she would have died without her help.


She tried to heal them mentally as well by reading the bible to them.


However, hearing that Hutus who tried to protect Tutsis were also being killed, she eventually fled from her house.


But the 5 people she tried to protect survived the genocide.


She is proud of what she did.

Survivor of the Genocide: Anastaria Mukakibgo ルワンダ大虐殺で生き残った人 アナスタリア・ムカキブゴさん  


During the genocide in 1994, she escaped to a church with her husband and children.


She was under dead bodies, so she was not found by the killers and survived, but all other her family members were killed.


After killers left, she hid herself in forest.


She wished to be killed because the life was so tough alone without something to eat or wear.



She cannot remember how long it took, but she was taken to a camp by RPF soldiers when they found her.


She lost her eye sight during the genocide.


When she went back her house, she found her house was burned.


Thanks to neighbors’ support, she manages to live until today.

The BILLION Dollar Night View in Kigali ルワンダ キガリ 一億ドルの夜景

Kigali Night Viewキガリの夜景は最高だ。先進国の都会の夜景と違って、まるでプラネタリウムを超える宇宙の中にいるような感覚を味わえる。

Unlike observing night view of cities of developed countries, you can feel that you are in the universe more than when you are in a planetarium in Kigali, Rwanda.


Since most of the buildings have the same height and most of the color of the light is either white or orange just like stars in sky, the lights in Kigali look like stars in darkness.


Driving in the town of Kigali, unlike looking down night view of a city from a tall building, you can feel you are in the universe having stars like view right in front of you.

A Survivor of Genocide: Mukarusinda Alice  ルワンダ大虐殺を生き残った人、ムカルシンダ・アリスさん

096She is a survivor of the genocide in 1994 in Rwanda. She was 23 when it happened.
She was in a church in Ntarama, a sector in Eastern province in Rwanda, because people thought if they were in church, nobody could kill them. 
However, interahamwe came to churches to kill Tutsis to terminate them. While Alice tried to escape through a window, and a killer cut her back with a traditional weapon called machet. 
She was caught by a killer and thrown into a bush near a river. 
Many people were thrown into rivers and lakes and their bodies are still there today. 
She stayed hiding in the bush until RPF army came to save her. 
She thought she was dead already.
She was sent to a hospital and when she regained her consciousness, she did not know how to speak or move anymore. 
Her wish is to spread this her story to the world so that nobody will experience the same thing. 
Therefore, she keeps telling her story and stay strong. 